Fun Party Games for Adults is a blog dedicated to finding and sharing new games. Most of the games posted will be for people of all ages, a few will be fun party games for adults only and we may include a few for kids just for good measure. Each week day we will ad a new game with the instructions and items/people needed to play the game. Our first game is called What if?
What you need for What if?: a lot of slips of paper and a pen for each player.
# of people: 6-20
How to Play What if?: Each person takes a a blank slip of paper and writes a question that starts with the words "What if..." (ex. What if dogs had people for pets?). Make sure to leave room on the paper for a response.
Everyone then puts their question into a hat/bowl or just the center of the table.
Then each player draws one of the questions that was thrown into the center, do not draw your own question.
Once each player has a question they will write an answer to that question. So if the question was "What if dogs had people for pets?" Someone might respond with "Then we would all have flees".
Once every one has written an answer to the question they have, one person reads the question on their slip of paper without reading the answer.
The person to the left of the person who started then reads the answer on their slip of paper to answer the previous question.
Once the last person reads their question, the person who started reads the answer on their slip of paper.
Then you can start over.
Tip: It is often more funny to have questions that involve people that are playing or people that everyone playing knows (ex. What if Marcia married her high school boyfriend? or What if Madonna had a beard?)