Thursday, July 28, 2011

Icebreaker Bingo

This is a great game to play as your guests arrive, especially if not all the guests know each other well.  It will get everyone mingling and getting to know each other.

Materials needed: Empty bingo cards and pens for each player
# of players: 10 or more

How to play: Create bingo cards that have things that guests may have done in the squares (you can make up your own or, if you do a google image search there are pictures cards that are all already filled out)  You can do stuff like "has been to Europe", "Plays the Cello", "Makes their own salsa" etc.  Each player will go around the room trying to find someone who does any of these things.  Players will write their names in the other players squares.  You can not sign your own square.  The first person to get bingo wins.

Your guests will love playing Icebreaker Bingo!
Fun Party Games for Adults

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Acrostics is a fun word game that can be played with a large group at a planned party or on the fly with just you and your significant other after dinner.  Fun Party Games for Adults knows that if you like word games you will really like this one.

Materials: pen and paper for each player
# of players: 2 or more

How to play: In each round the group will pick a word 4-8 letters long.  Each person will write the word twice on the page, once vertically going down and once vertically going up.



G                Y
R                S
A                S
S                A
S                R
Y               G

A timer is set for 5 minutes and then each player must come up with a word that begins with the letter on the left and ends with the letter on the right.  Once time is up points are counted up.  A point is given for each letter used (including the letters you add).  2 letter words are not allowed.



This person would get 33 points.  Points are not counted for words that are the same as another player.

This game can be played at a themed party by picking words that go along with the theme of the party

Have fun!
Fun Party Games for Adults

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Band, Album, Song

Today the featured game on Party Games for Adults is one you will want to play on your next road trip.  It will make the drive time go by faster, generate good conversation and probably keep you laughing.

Materials: none
# of people: any number

How to Play: This game is simple, as you drive you want to find words or phrases on signs, shops, restaurants or even just graffiti on an overpass that can be the name of a Band, Album or Song.  Point out the phrase and then say band, album or song depending on what you think works best.  Just because you think a phrase is best as a band name though doesn't mean that another passenger will agree, he may things it's better as a song name.  If another passenger disagrees with you then you will have to each argue your cases and then the group will vote.

Another way you can play this is each person secretly writes down a band name, album name and song name.  Once everyone has 1 of each the passengers all vote on which they think is the best (voting for your own answers is not allowed).

Make your next road trip the best road trip!
Fun Party Games for Adults

Monday, July 25, 2011

Name That Tune

This game is basic, but fun.  You don't have to be musically inclined to play this game but it does help.  You can use this game in a music themed party or just as a fun game.  You don't need any materials to play and you can play for a short time as you are waiting for all guests to arrive or for as long as you want!

Materials: none
# of players: 10 or more is best

How to play: Divide the group into 2-3 teams.  Each round 1 player from each team is selected to be the hummer.  The hummers from each team will all be given a song that everyone knows.  They will then go back to their team and start humming the song loud enough for their team to hear but not so loud that the other teams will hear.  The first team to guess the song gets a point.  Play continues until everyone has had a turn to be the hummer.  The team with the most points at the end wins!

Have fun!
Fun Party Games for Adults

Saturday, July 23, 2011

New Name Game

This is a great "all night" game to play that starts as guests arrive, continues through hors d'oeuvres, dinner, desert and can even continue simultaneously through other party games you may play.  It's fun to play for themed parties as well.  This is one of the best Fun Party Games for Adults has to offer!

Materials: red circle stickers, name card stickers, a pen
# of people: any number of people

How to Play:  As the guests arrive give them each a name tag with a different name on it, it can be just funny names, celebrity names, or you can even have the guests choose their own new name.  Throughout the night, party guests must refer to each other by their new names.  It doesn't matter if they are speaking to them or about them, their real names are off limits and their new names must be used.

When someone makes a name mistake whoever catches them gets to put a red dot on their face.  Whoever has the most red dots at the end of the night loses.

Name ideas for theme parties:

Music Themes: Use names of famous musicians like Madonna, Billy Idol, John Williams, Wolfgang Mozart, Frank Sinatra, Michael Jackson, Peggy Lee, etc.

Super Bowl Party: Use names of football players, coaches, managers, owners etc. Vince Lombardi, Jerry Rice, Brett Favre etc.

Couples/pairs/duos Party: Use names of famous couples/pairs/duo, like Romeo and Juliet, Brad and Angelina, Sunny and Cher, Bert and Ernie, George and Martha Washington, Lucy and Ricky, Adam and Eve, Mickey and Minnie, Bonnie and Clyde, Abbot and Costello etc.

Halloween: Names that are either villains or Halloween related like Headless Horseman, Medusa, Jafar, Madame Mim, Captain Hook, Cruella De Ville etc.

You will love playing the New Name Game with your friends and family!
Fun Party Games for Adults.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Group Story

This game is non-competitive and great for team building.  It can get pretty crazy and funny and lets you take well known stories and get creative with them.  It can be played sitting in the living room, during dinner, in the car or even just while waiting for a movie to start.  Fun Party Games for Adults knows that this game can keep you entertained for hours or just a few minutes.

Materials: none
# of people: 2 or more

How to Play:  The group first picks a well-known story that everyone is familiar with.  Examples: Goldie Locks and the 3 bears, Little Red Riding Hood, 3 Little Pigs etc.  The goal is to tell the whole story hitting all the main points and then wrapping it up at the end.  It sounds easy but can be hard when you aren't thinking just like your neighbor because the story is told one word at a time with each player giving a different word.  Continue to go around the table until the story is complete.

Example of Play:

Bill: Once
Sally: Upon
Tina: a
Randy: Time
Sue: There
Gary: Were
Bill: 3
Sally: Bears

Have fun playing Group Story!
Fun Party Games for Adults

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Most of the games we talk about on Fun Party Games for Adults are games you can play using materials from around the house or things you can get for very cheap at a grocery store.  Today we're going to do something a little bit different and refer a game that you would actually need to buy.

The game is called Curses.  It is a game that will have everyone laughing and making a fool of themselves.  There is no need to be embarrassed because everyone looks just as silly as you.  The point of the game is to be the last one left and catch everyone else not completing their curse.

Each turn you take you draw a card that will have you do an action.  Examples: "Tell someone in the room why your phone service is the best."  "You are a doctor, tell a friend what is wrong with them.".  You must do the action on the card, it is not important how well you do it, just that you try.  After you do the action you will draw a curse card and give it to someone else.  Examples: "name a pizza topping every time someone stands up."  "you can't bend your arms for the rest of the game." "Every time you speak you must play the air guitar." As the game progresses everyone will have multiple curses they will need to remember and do throughout the game.  If you catch someone not doing one of their curses you will ring a bell.  When the bell is rung and you point out the curse they forgot to do they will turn that card over and they no longer have to do it, this sounds good right?  Wrong, once you have 3 cards turned over then you are out of the game.  When you go out of the game you give all of your curses that are still face up to other players.

This game is best played with about 6-8 players.

Fun Party Games for Adults knows you will love this game!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

No Name Relay

W call this No Name Relay because it's a relay we played once but we have completely forgotten the name of it and can't find it.  It's almost your average relay except for one major detail.  This is a great game to play with a big group of friends or at family reunions.  You most likely want to play it outside.  At Fun Party Games for Adults we know that this will get your taste buds going.

Materials: Paper sacks, random foods, tin foil
# of Players: 10 or more

Note: Make sure you are aware of any food allergies in the group.

How to Play:  Place a paper bag at one end of the yard/room for each team.  Divide the group into two or three teams.  Wrap the items of food in the tin foil and put them in the bag.  Line the teams up on the other side of the yard/room from the paper sacks.  When you say "go" the first players on each team will run to their sack, pull out an item of food, unwrap it and eat it (they must eat it to keep their team in the game).  Once they are finished eating the item of food they will run back to the team and tag the next player who will then run to the bag of food.  Players will continue to do this until 1 team has eaten all items in their sack and the person to take the last item of food puts the paper bag on their head and makes it back to the team.

Fun Party Games for Adults' list of food ideas:
(One might want to have some foods be good tasting and others not so good tasting, or maybe foods that wouldn't be eaten by themselves)

Candy bar
Peanut Butter
Chicken Nugget
Plain Tuna

Have fun!
Fun Party Games for Adults

Monday, July 18, 2011

Tangled (not the movie)

This game is going to get a little mixed up.  Don't be afraid to get up front and personal with your fellow players.  This will definitely get everyone comfortable with each other. This is the kind of game that Fun Party Games for Adults loves!

Materials: none, just a lot of open space.
# of People: 8 or more.

How to play:  Everyone stands in a circle and without looking extends their right hand into the center and grabs someone elses hands.  Then everyone puts their left hand into the circle and grabs another hand.  Make sure everyone's hands are connected.

Now the fun begins!  Everyone must try and untangle themselves by going under and over and in and out.  The goal is to get the circle completely untangled without letting go of each others hands.

Have fun playing Tangled.
Fun Party Games for Adults

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Fun Party Games for Adults is sure you will love this game! You will need to be quick and possibly even sneaky. This is a great card game for small intimate parties and groups.

Materials: deck of cards and spoons

# of people: 3-8 players

In spoons, the goal is to get a 4 of a kind and make sure you aren't the last to try and grab a spoon.

Everyone sits in a circle either at a table or on the floor.  You should have enough spoons for all but one player (kind of like musical chairs).  Put the spoons in the middle of the circle.  Shuffle the cards and deal 4 cards to each player.

To start the game the first person to deal will grab a card off the top of the remaining deck.  He will either keep that card and pass one from his hand to the left or pass the card he draws to his left.  Each person in the circle will get a card from the person on their right and decide which card they want to pass to their left.  The person at the end will put the card he doesn't want in a discard pile.  The goal is to get a set of 4 cards of the same number.  If you get a set of 4 you grab a spoon from the center.  Once the first person grabs a spoon everyone races to grab the rest of the spoons.  Because there is one less spoon than there are people, one person will be spoonless.  That person gets an S, starting to spell the word SPOONS.  If that person loses again they get a P and so on until they spell the word SPOONS.  Whoever spells SPOONS first is out.  Play continues until only one person has not lost enough times to spell SPOONS, that person is the winner.


Water Spoons: With each round whoever loses has to drink a large glass of water, and no one can go to the bathroom until they are out of the game.  If they give in and go then they are automatically out.

Extreme Spoons:  Instead of putting the spoons in the middle of the circle, put them on the other side of the room or even in another room.  You can even add to the extremeness of it by putting obsticals in the way like pillows, chairs, other furniture, etc.  This way when the first person takes off to get a spoon the group is racing, tackling and wrestling for spoons!  Be careful!

Have fun!
Fun Party Games for Adults

Friday, July 15, 2011

Poison Letter

This game will keep players thinking on their feet.  This game is great to play in your living room or around the table with some chips and salsa. Fun Party Games for Adults is sure you will love the game Poison Letter.

Materials: none

# of players: any number but it's best with larger groups

This game is played in rounds.  In each round you want to be the last one left who doesn't mess up.  The players will take turns picking a "Poison Letter".  Each round the players will take turns giving answers within a theme that do not include the "Poison Letter."

The first player to choose the "Poison Letter" starts the round by saying "The Captain doesn't like the letter... What..."

Example: "The Captain doesn't like the letter M.  What will he eat for dinner?"

Going in a clockwise direction, starting with the person on the first players left, give answers to the question of things the Captain can eat that don't include the letter M.  Some answers could be chicken, french toast, spinach, eggs, corn etc. If anyone takes too long to answer, uses a word that has the "Poison Letter" in it or gives an answer that doesn't fit the theme, they are out for that round.  This round continues around the table/room until there is one person left.

Example of Play:

"The Captain doesn't like the letter F, what will he wear?"
"Flip flops" (this person would be out because they used a word that had the F in it.)
"Palm Tree" (this person would also be out because they said something that does not fit with something you wear.)

Play as many rounds as you like.  Whoever wins he most rounds wins the game.

Examples of themes:

"Where does he live"
"What does he plant in his garden"
"What are his hobby's"
"Where does he vacation"
"What will he buy"

You are going to have so much fun playing "Poison Letter"!
Fun Party Games for Adults

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

In the Manner of the Adverb

No materials needed.  Can be played with 4+ players

Gather the players together.  Send 1 person out of the room and out of ear shot of the group.

The group then thinks of an adverb, most adverbs end in "-ly". example: slowly, gracefully, anxiously or ferociously.  Make sure it is an adverb that describes how someone would do something.

Once an adverb is decided invite the person who went out of the room to come back in.

The person who went out and doesn’t know the chosen adverb will ask players to do certain tasks “in the manner of the adverb.” examples: brush teeth, mow the law, write a letter to your the manner of the adverb.

Once the person guesses the adverb a new person is sent out of the room and new adverb is chosen.

Fun Party Games for Adults

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bum Charades

Fun Party Games for Adults suggest you play this game with a group of people who are comfortable with each other, it's great for families or a group of close friends.  It can be kind of embarassing for some people if they don't know the others in the group.

The only thing needed for this game is something to keep time like a watch, kitchen timer or even a sand glass timer from another game.  You can play with any number of people.  It is helpful to have a fairly large space to play in.

How to Play: Split the group into 2 teams. The group chooses a topic like, fruits, flowers, animals, characters, colors etc.  Team 1 will choose a player to go up and spell a word with their bum that relates to the topic.  The rest of team 1 tries to guess the word their teammate is spelling.  If they guess the word within 2 minutes team 1 gets a point.  If they can't get it within 2 minutes then team 2 gets 1 guess of what the word is, if they get it right they steal the point from team 1, if they don't get it right then no one gets a point.  Then it is team 2's turn to pick a player to spell a word with their bum. You can change topics as often as you like and play to whatever score you want.

Bottoms Up!
Fun Party Games for Adults

Monday, July 11, 2011

I've Never

Materials: Players and chairs (1 less chair than there are players)

How to play: put the chairs in a circle.  1 person stands in the center and the rest of the players sit in the chairs.  The person in the middle of the circles says "I've never..." and tells something they have never done.  Anyone in the circle who has done that thing has to get up and find another seat.  The person in the middle tries to find a seat as well.  Whoever is left without a chair then starts the game over.

Have fun!
Fun Party Games for Adults

Friday, July 8, 2011

Greased Watermelon Polo

This game must be played in a swimming pool.  It's great for anyone who likes to swim and be active.  Great for 2 people or 20 people.  this is the ultimate of fun party games for adults.

Materials: swimming pool, watermelon, petroleum jelly or Crisco

Prep: Spread petroleum jelly or Crisco all over the watermelon

Play: Each team will be set up on opposite sides of the pool. All players will start out by their wall of the pool. Drop the watermelon into the center of the pool. As the watermelon hits the water the teams will move to the center to get the watermelon. Players attempt to get the watermelon to the other team's wall and keep it away from their own wall.  watermelon can be  pushed or floated in the water but can't be lifted out of the water.  If the watermelon is lifted out of the water that is a foul, whoever fouled must sit out of the pool for 2 minutes before returning. Players can "wrestle" for possession of watermelon but may not hit, kick, bite, pull hair, scratch or choke, these are all considered fouls.  Whoever gets the watermelon to touch the opposite team's wall first wins a point.  After a point is scored re-grease the watermelon and start again.  Playing to 3 or 5 points is good but you can play to whatever you want.

Fun Party Games for Adults

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Water Balloon Volleyball

With summer in full swing, Fun Party Games for Adults will be posting some fun summertime games.  To start we will be doing water balloon volleyball.  You will most likely get wet in this game so make sure to wear clothes you don't mind getting wet in.  This is great to play in a series of water games or by itself.  If you will be going inside for the rest of the party, guests may want to bring some extra clothes. Fun Party Games for Adults wishes you the best in your summertime games and follies!

Materials: a bunch of water balloons, a volleyball net and a bunch of towels.

Before the game: Set up the net and fill up all the water balloons.

To play: Divide up into teams. There should be an even number of players on each team.  Each team will then divide up into pairs.  Each pair will have 1 towel, each person will hold an end of it.  The first team will start with one of the pairs putting a water balloon on their towel, the pair will then move together to “throw” the water balloon over the net with the towel.  The  team on the other side will try to catch the water balloon with their towels and then “throw” it back over to the other side.  When a water balloon breaks, the team on the opposite side of the net gets a point.  The first team to get to 21 points wins.

Enjoy Water Balloon Volleyball!
Fun Party Games for Adults

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Mafia is a role play game.  Each player is a citizen of a small town.  This game consists of bluffing, guessing, convincing, manipulating, revenge, debate and much much more.  Fun Party Games for Adults invites you to be creative and change or add to this game as you please!

Setting:  A small town of good citizens has been invaded by the mafia.  By day the mafia appear as normal citizens but at night they murder citizens of the town in their sleep.  To rid their little town of the mafia the citizens hire a detective to find out who is doing all the killings.  To keep himself from getting killed by the mafia, the detective goes undercover as one of the citizens.  The narrator knows all and is in charge of making sure the game goes smoothly.

Set up: Create a citizen card (Index cards or small pieces of paper work well) for all players except for 3 or 4 depending on how many people are playing (See chart below). Create Mafia Cards for 2 or 3 players and 1 detective card.
Set up a circle of seats, make sure there are enough seats for each player.

Before you begin: Choose 1 person to be the narrator, this person will not play the game but will be giving instructions and making sure play runs smoothly.  Have the narrator shuffle the player cards and give each player a card without letting anyone else see.  Once everyone knows if they will be a citizen, mafia or detective play starts.

To Play: This game takes place over a series of “days” and “nights”.  

The game begins with the first night.  Everyone goes to sleep (The narrator asks everyone to close their eyes)

The narrator asks the mafia to open their eyes.  The narrator then asks the mafia who they want to murder.  The mafia then agree to kill off one citizen by pointing.  The narrator then asks the mafia to close their eyes.

The narrator asks the detective to open his eyes. The detective points to a person, the narrator then nods their head “yes” if that person is a mafia and shakes their head “no” if they are a citizen. The narrator asked the detective to close his eyes.

The narrator then asks everyone to open their eyes and announces it is morning.  The narrator then reveals who was killed by the mafia (stories of how the mafia did it are encouraged.).

The citizens all discuss who might be the mafia.  Once 2 people are nominated and seconded as mafia members there is a vote.  Whichever person has the most votes is run out of town or hung for being a member of the mafia.  That player then reveals if he was a mafia, citizen or detective.  

Night then falls and the game starts over until either the mafia win by killing off all the citizens or the towns people win by getting rid of all the mafia.

Additional Rules:

Those who have been killed and are no longer in play may keep their eyes open for the rest of the game but may not talk or hint in any way to the remaining players who the mafia is.

Suggestion from Fun Party Games for Adults:
Another way to make it fun is for each person to have a character and to have each person introduce themselves at the beginning of the game. EX: Bert Gilson the blacksmith, Rhonda Pickens the school teacher or Samuel Simpson the shoemaker.

If you have more than 10 players and want to have a second detective you can.

If there is a tie in voting for who should be run out of town as the mafia, each nominee can argue their case and then the players vote again until someone changes their vote.

Less than 102
10 or more3

Fun Party Games for Adults

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Two Truths and a Lie

While growing up, this was a game we played a number of times in different settings, like school, girls camp, birthday parties etc.  Fun Party Games for Adults challenges you to be as creative as possible with this one. It works well as a get to know you game.

The party guests go around the room taking turns telling 2 things about themselves that are true and 1 thing about themselves that is a lie.  The rest of the guests then have to decide which one is the lie.  Each player that gets the lie right gets 1 point.  If no one guesses the lie right then, the teller gets 3 points.  After everyone has taken a turn the points are added up and the player with the most points wins.

If there is a game you remember playing as a kid but don't remember the rules or name of the game feel free to leave a comment for us at Fun Party Games for Adults with the details you do remember and we will do our best to figure out what it is and post it on the blog.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Four on a Couch

Fun Party Games for Adults brings you this fun game that will test your memory and keep everybody moving.  Don't forget who's on your team and try and remember what name has been called already.

Materials: A couch or bench plus seats for all players plus 1 extra. Paper with each players name on it.

Prep: Write each players name on a different piece of paper.

How to win: Get 4 of the players on your team on the couch.

How to play: Create a circle with the seats including the couch.  Divide into teams, boys vs. girls is easiest if there is equal number of each.  Put 2 players of each team on the couch so there are 4 people on the couch.  The rest of the players sit anywhere else in the circle leaving one chair empty.  Have everyone draw a different name written on the papers.  Each person keeps the name that they have a secret.  The person to the right of the empty seat asks one of the players to come sit next to them.  The person who has that name on their paper gets up and sits in the empty seat, then the caller trades name papers with the person who moved.

Example: Chloe calls Bryan to come sit in the empty seat.  Sidney, who has the name Bryan, goes to sit in the empty chair.  Chloe and Sidney now trade names.  Now we all know that Chloe has the name Bryan and Chloe knows what name Sidney has but no one else does.

Whoever is to the right to the new empty seat calls out a new name.  As the game progresses the players start to learn who is holding what name.  The players who are on the couch will want to remember what names their team mates are holding so they they can call them onto the couch when a spot opens up.  The players in the chairs will want to remember the names that the opposite team is holding so they can pull them off of the couch to free up a spot for their teammates on the couch.  Whichever team gets all 4 couch spots filled with their team members first wins.

Fun Party Games for Adults hopes you  enjoy Four on a Couch!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Psychiatrist is a great game to play for people of all ages and you can play with very large groups.  We play with our whole family including everyone from grandma and grandpa to the grandchildren.  It's not really a game for keeping score, just for having fun. Fun Party Games for Adults loves this game because it's great for all different types of people as well!

In this game one person leaves the room.  While that person is gone the rest of the group chooses a psychological problem that they all have.  Once the illness is decided the player who went out of the room, the "psychiatrist" comes in and starts asking questions to the other players.  The players must answer in the manner of the psychological problem they all have.  The psychiatrist has to try and guess what the illness is that they all have by the answers the players give.  When the psychiatrist guesses the illness correctly a new psychiatrist is chosen and the rest of the players pick a new illness.

Examples of possible illnesses (others may be made up or chosen by players):
Everyone thinks they are the person to the right of them.
Everyone thinks they are a superhero
Everyone tells the opposite of the truth
Everyone thinks they are a teenager
Everyone has to give an answer that starts with the same letter
Everyone has to give an answer that is exactly 5 words long
Everyone has to touch their face when they answer
Everyone gives an answer related to fishing, sewing, baking etc.

Fun Party Games for Adults hopes you have fun playing Psychiatrist!

Friday, July 1, 2011


Farkle is one of our favorite games here at Fun Party Games for Adults. Everyone gets excited and you can play with an unlimited amount of players.  Also over the years we have played Farkle with many different people and everyone tends to have their own little changes or “house rules”.  So if you have played a little differently before that is okay or even if you haven’t and want to tweak the rules to fit your family/group better, feel free to do so.  Fun Party Games for Adults is all about making the games we post your own!

Materials: 6 dice, paper and pen for keeping score

# of players: any number (4-8 is best)

How to win: player with the most points wins (a common number of points to go to is 10,000).

How to play: Players take turns rolling all six dice trying to get as many points as possible on each roll.


Single 1=100 pts.
Single 5=50 pts.
Three 1's=1000
Three 2's=200
Three 3's=300
Three 4's=400
Three 5's=500
Three 6's=600
Three pairs=750
Straight 1-6=1500

If ever you roll the dice and there are no points showing this is called a Farkle and your turn is done.

If you roll the dice and at least 1 die shows points you can lock in those points and end your turn or you can risk those points and roll the remaining dice.  You can decide to stop rolling and lock in points at any time, but if you ever roll 0 points, you farkle and lose all points earned and your turn is over.

You can not combine points from different rolls.

If you happen to score points on all 6 dice, you may pick up all the dice and continue rolling until you decide to either lock in your points or you Farkle.

The final round begins as soon as someone gets 10,000 points or higher.  Each player then takes an additional turn.  Whoever has the most points over 10,000 wins.

Some additional house rules:  

You must get at least 300 points to lock in your score

If you Farkle 3 times in a row it is worth negative points (500 for example) or you lose all of your points.

If the player before you locks in with dice left over you can adopt their score and try and roll the remaining dice to add onto their score.  If you roll points with the remaining dice you can lock in all those points.  If you do not roll points your turn is over and you Farkle.

Have fun playing Farkle!