Fun Party Games for Adults brings you this fun game that will test your memory and keep everybody moving. Don't forget who's on your team and try and remember what name has been called already.
Materials: A couch or bench plus seats for all players plus 1 extra. Paper with each players name on it.
Prep: Write each players name on a different piece of paper.
How to win: Get 4 of the players on your team on the couch.
How to play: Create a circle with the seats including the couch. Divide into teams, boys vs. girls is easiest if there is equal number of each. Put 2 players of each team on the couch so there are 4 people on the couch. The rest of the players sit anywhere else in the circle leaving one chair empty. Have everyone draw a different name written on the papers. Each person keeps the name that they have a secret. The person to the right of the empty seat asks one of the players to come sit next to them. The person who has that name on their paper gets up and sits in the empty seat, then the caller trades name papers with the person who moved.
Example: Chloe calls Bryan to come sit in the empty seat. Sidney, who has the name Bryan, goes to sit in the empty chair. Chloe and Sidney now trade names. Now we all know that Chloe has the name Bryan and Chloe knows what name Sidney has but no one else does.
Whoever is to the right to the new empty seat calls out a new name. As the game progresses the players start to learn who is holding what name. The players who are on the couch will want to remember what names their team mates are holding so they they can call them onto the couch when a spot opens up. The players in the chairs will want to remember the names that the opposite team is holding so they can pull them off of the couch to free up a spot for their teammates on the couch. Whichever team gets all 4 couch spots filled with their team members first wins.
Fun Party Games for Adults hopes you enjoy Four on a Couch!
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