Monday, August 1, 2011


Welcome again to Fun Party Games for Adults.  Today we have a great card game for you to try.  It's best with a smallish group.
materials: a deck of face cards or Rook cards
# of players: 3-7

How to play: The first round is played neutrally, meaning everyone starts as equals.  Deal out all of the cards (even if some people have one more card than others).  Once the cards are dealt choose someone to go first.  This can be chosen by rolling a dice to see who gets the highest roll or by something like the person with the next birthday goes first.  The person going first plays 1, 2, 3 or 4 cards of the same number, usually playing his lowest cards makes the most sense.  Play goes around the table in a clockwise direction.  Each player must play a card higher than the person before them.  So if player 1 started with a single 2 the next person would have to play a 3 or higher, if player 2 played a single 5 the next person would have to play a 6 or higher.  If it gets to a point where a player can't or doesn't want to play then they can pass.  Play continues around the table until everyone passes except the person who played the last card.  Once a player has passed in a round, they can't play again in that round.  The cards are then cleared and discarded and the person who played the last card starts the next round with the card/s of his or her choice (all players who passed at some point during the previous round can now play again).

If the person who starts the round decides they want to play a double or a triple everyone then must play a double or a triple in that round, for example: player 1 plays a double 4, player 2 must play a double of 5 or higher.  The goal is to get rid of your cards first.

The first person to get rid of all of his cards is the King for the next round, the second to go out is the Queen, the last person to go out is the Scum and the 2nd to last person to go out is the 2nd Scum.  All those to go out between the Queen and the 2nd Scum have no titles.  Everyone will rotate seat to sit in the order that they got rid of their cards.

When the next round starts the Scum has to give the King his best 2 cards and the King gives the Scum whatever cards he wants (usually something low).  The 2nd Scum gives the Queen his highest card and the Queen gives the Scum whatever 1 card she wants.

The King always goes first from this point forward.

Have fun playing Scum!
Fun Party Games for Adults

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